What We Do
Bagamor Media produces award-winning documentaries and videos for educational institutions, nonprofits, media organizations and businesses, including tech and biotech startups. We’re dedicated to making well-crafted, visually rich films that enlighten and engage viewers. With deep experience in journalism and the visual arts, we take a thoughtful approach to storytelling. And we’re capable of taking on a wide range of projects, from carefully researched documentaries to branded content to scripted animated shorts and podcasts. We work closely with clients as creative partners to help them tell their stories in powerful, thought-provoking ways.
Partial Client List:
Alloy Therapeutics
American Society for Cell Biology
Boston College
Boston Medical Center
City of Salem, Massachusetts
C35 Films
Flagship Pioneering
Flowstate Films
Foghorn Therapeutics
GreenLight Biosciences
Harvard University
Knovva Academy
LightForce Orthodontics
Lorraine Chapman The Company
Lost Nation Pictures, Ltd.
Massachusetts Essentials for Childhood
MediaCrossing (France)
MediaTank Productions
Mill Valley Film Group
Milton Academy
MIT Technology Review
Monster Films (UK)
Muck Media
Newton Public Schools
Pillay Productions
Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation
Road Scholar
The Wall Street Journal
The Economist Intelligence Unit (UK)
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
Wicked Delicate Films